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2007.11.22 20:20

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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제
1) 한국
경계를넘어 http://www.ifis.or.kr
팔레스타인을잇는다리 http://www.palbridge.org
팔레스타인평화연대 http://www.pal.or.kr

2) 단체
Al-Awda http://al-awda.org
Addameer http://www.addameer.org/index_eng.html
B'Tselem http://www.btselem.org/English
Alternative Information Center http://www.alternativenews.org
Birzeit University Right to Education Campaign http://right2edu.birzeit.edu
FIDA http://www.fida.ps/english/english.html
Hdip(Health Development Information Policy) http://www.hdip.org
If Americans knew http://www.ifamericansknew.org
ISM(International Solidarity Movement) http://www.palsolidarity.org
IWPS(International Women's Peace Service) http://www.iwps-pal.org
Jerusalem Center for Social & Economic Rights http://www.jcser.org
Palestinian Agricultural Relief Commitees http://www.pal-arc.org
Palestinian Center for Human Rights http://www.pchrgaza.org
Peace Now http://www.peacenow.org.il
Pengon(The Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network) http://www.pengon.org
PFLP(Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) http://www.pflp.ps
PPP(Palestinian People's Party) http://www.palpeople.org/english
Stop the Wall http://stopthewall.org
UAWC(Union of Agricultural Work Committees) http://www.uawc-pal.org
UNRWA(United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) http://www.un.org/unrwa/english.html
WCLAC(Women's Center for Legal Aid and Counselling) http://www.wclac.org

3) 문화
DAM http://www.dampalestine.com
Marcel Khalife http://www.marcelkhalife.com
Qattan Foundation http://www.qattanfoundation.org/en
Steve Sabella Photography http://www.sabellaphoto.com

4) 종합정보
Al Jazeera http://english.aljazeera.net/English
Challenge http://www.challenge-mag.com
Electronic Intifada http://electronicintifada.net
Haaretz http://www.haaretz.com
International Middle East Media Center http://www.imemc.org
Islam Online http://www.islamonline.net
Palestine Chronicla http://www.palestinechronicle.com
Palesine Monitor http://www.palestinemonitor.org
PASSIA(Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs) http://www.passia.org
Norman G. Finkelstein http://www.normanfinkelstein.com
MERIP(The Middle East Research and Information Project) http://www.merip.org
This WEEK in Palestine http://www.thisweekinpalestine.com
Znet Israel-Palestine Watch http://www.zmag.org/meastwatch/IsraelPal.cfm

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